In contrast of socialism (no matter what tendency: national or international socialism) fascism without a political practice represents no real ideology, but an extreme form of uncivilized behaviour. The essential elements of fascism are the dictatorship of the status quo, the prosecution of dissenters, the ruthless exploitation of the own and other peoples, self enrichment of a small unscrupulous group, the spreading of lies and propaganda, imperialism, the overthrow of other peoples and nations, mass murder and more.
In that regard one cannot classify fascism within a certain political direction (leftwing-rightwing-centre) nor within a certain social group, people or nation, without thoroughly investigating the facts and backgrounds. A good example of this is the historical Italian fascism:
Opportunist wanderings are not rare among fascists. The Italian "duce del fascismo" (leader of fascism) Benito Mussolini was a social democrat and a publisher of newspapers ("La lotta di classe" = "The class struggle"). He regarded Karl Marx as "the greatest theorist of socialism" and Marxism as the "scientific doctrine of the class revolution". In his publications he fought the republican majority in Italy as well as the moderates within his own ranks.
After the unrest of World War I Mussolini’s ambitions and desire was encouraged. He used his political influence and founded his own fascist party in 1919. Together with the anarchists he succeeded to gain power in 1922. The further development of Italian fascism until its fall in 1944 is well documented in history books.
Because fascism is not a separate ideology its no surprise that after 1945 the fascist party (MSI) of Italy was re-founded.
Is there a difference between rightwing and leftwing (social-) fascism?
Of course purely theoretically a clear distinction can be made between both fascist manifestations; however in the political reality the differences are negligible. Both depend on each other and both know the same reactionary origin. The only politician who recognized this danger and tried to combat it was the Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung, who's constant cultural revolution prevented social-fascism. Unfortunately his successors completely destroyed this popular movement.
In the Weimar republic (1919-1932) the term "social-fascism" was introduced by the KPD (Communist Party Germany). With social-fascist they meant those socialists and communists - in particular the union bosses and established politicians of the SPD - who acted against the interests of the people and abused their position to oppress and exploit the working class, as well as shameless enriched themselves at the expense of the proletariat. Anyone who has somewhat examined the situation at the time of the Weimar republic has to admit this classification applied on the leadership within the SPD. It would however be unjust to classify all who supported the SPD with this classification. Fascism is not an oddness of a certain political geography (left-right-centre). Everyone with a healthy and objective look upon history has to admit that during all times all kind of fascist outburst of different nature where present.
Therefore social-fascism does not represent a certain political ideology or direction, but only the political practice of the unscrupulous exercise of power, oppression of the popular will, hopeless exploitation of the working class and shameless self enrichment. Social-fascist are only the willing puppets who are controlled from behind the scenes by the true rulers (the lobbyists). Social fascists can be all kind of leaders: feudalists, capitalists, dictators or bourgeois "democrats". Social fascism can rise in any country. At first it will rise as a small tumour (corruption, nepotism, greed, and lust for power) that can spread rapidly if it’s not destroyed in time. By an unbridled development it can infect the whole State and enslaves the whole people. This kind of social-fascist tendencies we can find in practically all feudalist countries throughout the 20th century (emperors, kings, princes), in the countries that suffered under the Napoleonic occupation (collaborators) and increasingly in North-America and Europe (caste system and capital).
Social-fascism usually manifests itself in times of crisis, destabilization and after (civil) wars, in most cases under the shadow of foreign domination. The social-fascists will always try to ensure their existence in all directions. In the Netherlands it manifests itself as follows:
- The transfer of national sovereignty to the European Union.
- Less popular participation within political decision formations.
- Privatisations by which politicians can disguise their self enrichment and political irresponsibility by selling public property to reckless speculators and exploiters.
- Demoralisation of the people by a systematic negative reversal of historic, cultural and ethnic values.
- The organisation of a brutal class hate in which contradictions (for instance on a social level) are maintained to secure dominance.
Also the broad networks of leftwing-fascists (like the so-called "antifa" and "antifascist action") with their bureaus, institutions, foundations, publishers, greedily funded by subsidies and funds by social-fascists belong to this group. These leftwing-fascists have nothing to do with the "classic leftwing". They mix their system conformism with some leftwing quotes and shallow use of leftwing symbolism, but their primitive activities are eloquent and revealing.
After the collapse of the Iron curtain the modern left lost its political fatherland and ideological example. Because they where trained to parrot, to follow dogmatic and not to think for themselves the supporters of the modern leftwing rapidly lapsed in an "ideological vacuum". They couldn’t choose between real anarchy and leftwing-fascism, so they easily became prey for the social-fascists. You won’t find any policy objectives against acute social problems within the leftwing-fascist movement.
These leftwing-fascists fulfil different functions for the social-fascists; they spy on political dissidents while evoking violence in a hypocritical game as self proclaimed "democratic moral guardians". They fill up the internet with rousing and other nonsense, produce meaningless publications and publish magazines on the conveyer belt that are probably only read by their opposition. To direct the accumulated public anger into a direction that can be controlled by the system, the useful idiots of the fascist-leftwing organize riots and protests against all groups that do not acculturate to the dictatorship of the mainstream and her political-correct dogma's.
From this we can draw the conclusion that the fascists of the future, truly operate under the veil of antifascism!
Source: Vrije Nationalisten Noord-Brabant / Netwerk Nationale Socialisten
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